TeamHatop Pathology services involves the laboratory examination of samples of body tissues and fluids to determine the causes and effects of diseases. Our Laboratory is equipped with the latest automated analyzers installed to ensure accuracy, precision and reproducible and reliable results within the shortest turn-around-time. Our range of examinations include tests in Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology/Parasitology, Cytology/Histology, Haematology, Serotology/ Immunology, Endocrinology and Molecular Biology

Clinical Chemistry
El-Lab operates a Clinical Chemistry Laboratory to provide support to the clinician and doctors in diagnosing disease and monitoring treatment.Tests we conduct include detection and analysis of: Electrolytes, Renal (Kidney) Function Tests, Liver Function Tests, Total protein (serum), Albumin, Globulins, A/G ratio (albumin-globulin), Protein electrophoresis, Urine protein, Bilirubin; direct; indirect; total, Alkaline phosphatase (ALP),Cardiac Markers, Blood Disorders, Iron, Vitamin B12, Folic acid and several others.
Infections may be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and other parasites. Whether by direct or indirect contact, droplet contact, oral route, airborne or vector transmission, our equipment is able to detect these organisms or their imprints on sample tissues. Our range of tests includes: Urine Microscopy, Culture & Sensitivity, Stool Microscopy, Culture & Sensitivity, Occult blood, Blood Culture & Sensitivity, Widal Reaction XDRL, Rheumatoid factor, A.S.O Titre, Australian antigen, Sputum for A-AFB, C.S.F. Microscopy & Cell count, Culture & Sensitivity, Skin tests like SNIP for Microfilaria, Scrapping from fungal elements, Seminal fluid Analysis (SFA), Urethral Swab, Vaginal Swab Microscopy; Culture & Sensitivity, various Swabs and other tests

Histology and Cytology
TeamHatop Medical Diagnostics offers various histological and cytological tests. Histology is simply the study of body tissues under the microscope, often enhanced by applying histological stains. Cytology is similar to the histology but the focus is on the Cells with focus on the structure, function and chemistry of the cells under examination. Tests we offer include: Biopsies (prostrate, cervix, and others), HPV testing and many more
TeamHatop also conducts Hematological tests for all our Clients. Haematology relates to diseases or ailments relating to the blood. The blood contains many different chemicals and particles which may be tested. Sometimes the cells are tested or at times the liquid part of the blood (plasma) will be tested. Some of the tests we offer include: Full Blood Count, Blood Clotting (INR) Test, ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate), Test for Iron, Vitamin B12 and folates, FeIBC (serum iron) and Ferritin a, and several others, Homeostasis Investigation, Bleeding time, Clotting time, Prothrombim time (PT), Kaolin-cepthalin clotting time, Platelets count

Serology is the study of blood serum which is the clear fluid that separates when blood clots. At El-Lab, we focus on identifying antibodies, proteins made by a type of white blood cell in response to a foreign substance (antigen) in the body. This is because certain microorganisms stimulate the body to produce antibodies during an active infection. Some of the tests we offer include: Blood grouping (ABO & RH), Antibody Titration, Coomb’s tests, Anti A/B Haemolysin Test, Syphillis, Tuberculosis, Amebiasis, Anthrax, Brucellosis, Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Measles, Rubella, RSV, Tularemia, Viral hepatitis (various types), Fungal arthritis, Meningitis, cryptococcal Meningitis, H. influenza Meningitis, meningococcal
TeamHatop conducts several tests to measure the levels of various hormones in a patient’s body in order to determine if the endocrine glands are functioning properly and to determine the cause of an endocrinological problem.
Some of the common endocrinology tests we conduct include: Diabetes tests, Pituitary Hormone tests, Thyroid Function Tests, Glucose Tolerance Tests, Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormones Test, Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) test, Prolactin test, Vasopressin test.

Molecular Biology
Using both automated and semi-automated analysis systems, El-Lab also conducts important tests relating to biological processes at the levels of molecules, cells and organisms. Some of the in vitro diagnostic systems used in our laboratory identify microorganisms and determine antimicrobial susceptibility. We also monitor the biological activities between biomolecules in a cell, including the interactions between DNA, RNA and proteins. These tests sometimes overlap with clinical chemistry and are useful in a range of medical scenarios such as: Detecting some microorganisms, especially fastidious bacteria, Oncology, Human leucocyte antigen typing, Coagulation and Pharmacogenomics.